The bin,
our sign of identity
They are part of our cities' landscapes; they have been living with us for over 40 years; they are dressed up for special occasions and festivities...
Our bins are green, reminding us of the green of trees, forests and fields. However, in some cities, town halls are installing their own bins and changing their shape and colour so they are similar to bins for other fractions. They are part of our cities' landscapes; they have been living with us for over 40 years; they are dressed up for special occasions and festivities...
Our bins are green, reminding us of the green of trees, forests and fields. However, in some cities, town halls are installing their own bins and changing their shape and colour.
Como no podía ser de otra manera, nuestros contenedores también responden a los criterios de eficiencia y sostenibilidad que presiden todas nuestras operaciones:
- El 20% de los puntos que se instalan o se reponen cada año son contenedores reparados.
- Gracias a su reparación, los iglús pueden alargar su vida útil hasta los 20 años.
- Nuestros iglús contienen hasta un 37% de material reciclado.
- Nuestros concursos de compra de contenedores incluyen hasta un 30% de criterios ASG (ambiental, social y de gobernanza).
- Todos los contenedores nuevos se fabrican con energía renovable.
¿Has visto algún contenedor de Ecovidrio lleno o en mal estado?
Did you know that glass packaging was the first to arrive at our country? Madrid and Barcelona were the pioneering cities in recycling glass packaging, but in a matter of months the initiative extended to a large number of Spanish cities. The iconic igloo-shaped bins soon became part of the entire country's urban landscape.
The first igloo-shaped bin that was placed in Spain was in the neighbourhood
of Moratalaz, in Madrid, on 1 February 1982.
60% of Spanish households claim that they have a bin for recycling glass packaging less than 50 metres from their home. And we are one of the countries with the most bins in Europe!
See on our map how many containers there are in your province.