Packaging companies
For 20 years we have been working to ensure that packaging companies comply with the provisions set forth in the Spanish Packaging and Packaging Waste Act 11/1997. We do so with enthusiasm and under criteria of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.
Over 8,000 companies finance the recycling of their glass packagings via the Green Dot system
Main sectors associated with Ecovidrio
Join Ecovidrio
If you are not a member or have any queries

Call us on
+34 914 118 344
or write to us at

Below, you will find practical information and documentation of interest on becoming a member:
The best waste is no waste. With this in mind, at Ecovidrio we implement Business Prevention Plans (PEPs), programmes for packaging companies to define objectives and actions aimed at reducing the environmental impact of packaging.
We encourage any company to minimise their impact and grow in sustainability. In addition, all companies that generate over the following quantities of waste must implement prevention measures:
En ecovidrio desarrollamos guías de ecodiseño en colaboración con todos los sectores de los envasadores.

There are two options for companies to comply with this legal obligation, albeit the responsibility for compliance always lies with the packaging company.
Drawing up a PEP at an individual level
Partaking in a PEP drawn up together with the SCRAP
See here the latest triennial prevention plans that we have drawn up in collaboration with the sectoral organisations involved.
Would you like to initiate a Prevention Plan?

Call us on
+34 914 118 344
Please email us at
Here you can access the main PEP procedures
technical advisory services
We can send an ecodesign expert to your packaging plant to review the process and draw up a report with proposals for improvement.
Other services for packaging companies